Drama Bundles
We come to your local primary school for Drama Bundles.​
4 sessions X 1 class a week = Drama Bundle
Drama classes for three groups:
Kindergarten to Year 1
Year 2 to Year 3
Year 4 to Year 6
Classes are 45min.
A different Drama Bundle per term.
Small class sizes.
During lunch or class times. No after school commitments.
Easy payment options.
Below are examples of a Drama Bundle:

Kindy to Year 1
Meerkat Bundle
Breathing and relaxation exercises.
e.g."Bubblegum and Ice-cream"
Vocal and verbal expression.
e.g. tongue twisters, rhymes and poems
Drama and language games
e.g. "Strange walks" and "Going Shopping"
Creates self-confidence and self-awareness.
Inspires imagination, freedom of movement and sound.
45 min per session x 4 weeks

Year 2 to Year 3
Cat Bundle
Breathing and relaxation exercises.
e.g."Raindrops and Icicles"
Vocal and verbal expression.
e.g. tongue twisters, poems and prose
Drama and storytelling games
e.g. Role-playing, improvisation and mime
Builds confidence and collaboration.
Develops imagination, voice and movement.
Improves clarity of speech.
45 min per session x 4 weeks

Year 4 to Year 6
Tiger Bundle
Breathing and relaxation exercises.
Vocal and verbal expression.
e.g. Poems, prose, diction, projection
Drama and storytelling games
e.g. Role-playing, improvisation and mime
Builds confidence and collaboration.
Improves voice and movement.
Creative and artistic thinking.
Develop overall acting, public speaking and performance skills.
45 min per session x 4 weeks
What's On at my school?
We offer Drama Bundles at local primary schools on the North Shore. Go to What's On to see if we're at your school. If you would like us to come to you contact us.